Thursday, May 2, 2013


The annual spirit week at CCMS will be May 6-10th, with activities and contest each afternoon to pump-up students for the  KPREP test the week of May 13-17.  Each day of spirit week will have a different theme and various competitions.
Monday May 6th:  MISMATCHED DAY- wear everything mismatched, inside out, backwards or have it all together and be the perfect nerd!!!
Tuesday May 7th:  TWIN TUESDAY-Do you have a twin?  Get yourself one or two and then you would be triplets.  Four alike would be quadruplets.  Do you get the point?
Wednesday May 8th:  DUCK DYNASTY DAY- Show how Happy Happy Happy you are Jack, and wear your favorite Duck Commander Clothing.
Thursday May 9th:  ELDERLY RESPECT or RETRO DAY- What is better than a whole day devoted to dressing up to look just like your elders and your teachers.  Dress like your elders do now or they way they did way back when?
Friday May 10th:  PANTHER PRIDE DAY- How much green and white can you wear.  Not too much Toddy!